Outdoor Lighting Low Voltage vs Line Voltage

May 10, 2022

Outdoor Lighting Low Voltage vs Line Voltage: A Comparison

If you're thinking about installing outdoor lighting, you might be wondering whether to go for low voltage or line voltage systems. The truth is, both systems have their benefits and drawbacks, and the choice really depends on your specific needs. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the two systems and help you make an informed decision.

What is Low Voltage Lighting?

Low voltage lighting systems typically operate at 12 or 24 volts and are powered by a transformer that converts the standard 120-volt line voltage to the lower voltage required. These systems are relatively easy to install and are often used for landscape lighting or outdoor accent lighting.

Pros of Low Voltage Lighting

  • Safety: One of the main benefits of low voltage lighting is that it's much safer than line voltage lighting. Because the voltage is so much lower, there is less risk of electric shock, making it a great option for families with children or pets.
  • Cost: Another advantage is that low voltage lighting is typically less expensive to install than line voltage systems. This is because the wiring is less expensive and the transformer can be installed outdoors, so there is no need for an expensive weatherproof enclosure.
  • Flexibility: Low voltage systems are also highly flexible, allowing you to easily add or remove lighting fixtures as needed. This can be useful if you want to change the design of your outdoor space frequently.

Cons of Low Voltage Lighting

  • Luminance: While low voltage systems are effective at illuminating walkways and accent features, they may not be bright enough to light a large area or to function as security lighting.
  • Maintenance: Low voltage systems require periodic inspection and replacement of damaged wiring, transformers, and bulbs. This can add up to a higher maintenance cost over time.

What is Line Voltage Lighting?

Line voltage lighting systems operate at 120 volts - the same voltage found in household outlets. These systems are commonly used for security lighting or functional lighting in large outdoor spaces.

Pros of Line Voltage Lighting

  • Brightness: One of the main advantages of line voltage lighting is that it can be much brighter than low voltage systems. This makes it perfect for functional lighting or for providing a higher level of security for your outdoor space.
  • Low Maintenance: Because line voltage systems are made up of fewer components, they can be less expensive to maintain over time.
  • Easy to Install: Line voltage systems are relatively easy to install, and there are no transformers to worry about.

Cons of Line Voltage Lighting

  • Cost: Line voltage lighting systems can be more expensive to install due to the higher cost of materials and the need for weatherproof enclosures and waterproof connections.
  • Safety: Because line voltage systems operate at a higher voltage, there is a greater risk of electric shock, making it less safe for families with children or pets.

Which Is Right for You?

So, which option is best for your outdoor space? It really depends on your specific needs. If you want to highlight certain features of your landscape or create a warm, inviting atmosphere for outdoor gatherings, a low voltage system could be the perfect option. On the other hand, if you want bright, functional lighting for security purposes or to light up a large outdoor area, a line voltage system may be a better choice.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to hire a licensed electrician to install your outdoor lighting system to ensure that it's installed safely and correctly.


In conclusion, both low voltage and line voltage outdoor lighting systems have their pros and cons, and the choice really depends on your specific needs. We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision. Happy lighting!


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